Suchitra Karthik’s Twitter account was finally deleted earlier today. A series of bizarre and controversial posts had been tweeted out from the account, allegedly by a hacker. A source in the Cyber Crime Cell, Chennai Police told Silverscreen, “We had several complaints regarding the account since February 22. Since then, we’ve been closely monitoring the situation. As it escalated yesterday night, we found it necessary to delete the account. Twitter co-operated with us on this.”
Read: Controversy Over Suchitra Karthik’s Twitter Account Escalates
Selvaraghavan, whose hacked emails were leaked by the account, also revealed that he wanted to file a Police complaint. But, he chose not to.
My friends. I was about to give police complaint but I love and respect her husband @evamkarthik
— selvaraghavan (@selvaraghavan) March 4, 2017
Geethanjali Selvaraghavan too offered her support to Suchithra, and actor husband Karthik Kumar.
My sympathies to @suchitrakarthik and her husband @evamkarthik These r terrible times as my heart goes out to them… Stay strong.
— Geeths Selvaraghavan (@GitanjaliSelva) March 4, 2017
As for the ppl mentioned like my husband @selvaraghavan my bro @dhanushkraja and various dear friends, we all have your back @evamkarthik ❤️
— Geeths Selvaraghavan (@GitanjaliSelva) March 4, 2017