Anil Sharma, who directed the 2001 film Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, has said that his film earned about Rs. 265 crores in all, and compared to that Baahubali 2 – The Conclusion, has not set any records.
According to DNA, the director said, “It is just a matter of time. There was a a time when, in 2001, Gadar : Ek Prem Katha was released and had done a business of 265 crore, which as per today’s calculation is Rs 5,000 crore.”
“Please don’t frame me in all these things. If some good film comes, records would be broken. And as far as Bahubali 2 is concerned, it has not yet set any record,” he added.
Baahubali, according to latest estimates, has crossed the 1500 crore mark, and is well set to make Rs. 2000 crores, across Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi. For two weeks, it dominated not only the Indian box office, but also in US, UK, Canada, UAE, and other markets around the world. By all standards possible, Baahubali 2 has made more money than any other Indian film (Dangal is now setting records in China, but is coming under some fire). But perhaps Anil Sharma calculates it differently.
“As mentioned, Gadar had done a business of Rs 265 crore in 2001 when the ticket rates were Rs 25 only. As per valuation, it is Rs 5,000 crore today and Bahubali 2 has just reached some Rs 1,500 crore, so no record has been broken.” he said.