The latest update in the Malayalam actress abduction case is that actor Dileep and Nadirshah will likely be questioned again by the police. According to a report in Malayalam Manorama, the police are gearing up for a second round of questioning of both Dileep and director Nadirshah. They were earlier questioned by the Kochi Police for more than 12 hours.
Earlier, the main accused in the case, Pulsar Suni reportedly revealed the involvement of big names in the case, one of whom is Dileep. Recently, pictures of the Ramaleela actor with the main accused at several shooting locations have surfaced.
The Police are sure that the main accused has known Dileep for a while as the pictures were clicked somewhere during the shoot of his Georgettan’s Pooram in November 2016. A fan is said to have clicked the selfie with Dileep and Suni is seen in the background of this picture. The report further states that Pulsar Suni has made calls to Appunni, Dileep’s PA, from the jail. The calls are said to have gone on for minutes.
The police have further investigated Suni’s call records from November and four specific numbers have had connections to Appunni. A conspiracy angle had surfaced after a letter which was allegedly written by Suni from jail and was addressed directly to Dileep.
Pic: Manorama Online and Deccan Chronicle