Bollywood actress Sunny Leone on Thursday took Kerala’s Kochi city by storm. Thousands swarmed the streets, disrupting traffic, as the Canadian-born came calling to attend a function.
Police had a tough time getting the traffic moving as thousands virtually took over the Mahatma Gandhi Road for a glimpse of the actress, who was overwhelmed by the “sea of love”.
On two occasions, policemen used canes to drive away the fans. Many climbed on to the roofs of buses and buildings.
The actress, who began her career as a porn star, greeted the crowds, sending the huge crowd into a tizzy.
No words…Can’t thank the people of Kochi.Was so overwhelmed by the love&support.Never will forget Gods own Country Kerala!Thank you #fone4
— Sunny Leone (@SunnyLeone) August 17, 2017
My car in literally a sea of love in Kochi Kerala!! Thanks #fone4
— Sunny Leone (@SunnyLeone) August 17, 2017
She thanked the Kerala police too for their help.
Just wanted to take a min to say thank you to the @KochiPolice for making me feel so safe amoung the thousands of people.
— Sunny Leone (@SunnyLeone) August 17, 2017
The actress’ visit in Kerala also featured as a meme, where she was compared to Daenerys Targaryen, a character from the TV show Game of Thrones.
Sunny Leone has gone to Kerala & basically become Khaleesi.
— Sahil Rizwan (@SahilRiz) August 17, 2017
Meanwhile in Kochi !!! @SunnyLeone
— Daniel Weber (@DanielWeber99) August 17, 2017