Alia Bhatt’s sister Shaheen Bhatt had earlier penned a letter about how she battled depression. And now, with the deaths of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain and fashion designer Kate Spade, Shaheen has once again written about her own experiences with depression, the effect of social media and much more.
Referring to Bourdain’s death, Shaheen in a Vogue article wrote, “I was crying because every time I hear of someone who was unable to go on living with the darkness within them, I’m reminded of how that could have just as easily been me,” she said.
She further adds that she has been living with depression ever since she was twelve and has also been suicidal more than just once. Talking about the effect of social media, Shaheen said social media has led to us brushing aside our personal lives. Shaheen chose to share her experience with depression on social media and although she was extremely open about this phase of her life, she was still worried about how she would be judged.
Comparing it with typical social media pictures, Shaheen adds that depression has almost been a taboo topic, simply because there is nothing romantic or flowery about it. No one likes a depressing note on social media or no one is waiting to click a picture when you are curled up in the bed, crying for days together.
“There is so much value placed on false ideas of positivity and emotional prosperity that we present our lives as immaculate highlight reels entirely devoid of substance, and altogether devoid of the aches and pains of what it means to be human,” she said.
Shaheen concluded her letter, encouraging people to be open about depression. “Every second that we choose comfort over reality we fail another Anthony and another Kate. Talking about depression is no longer an option, it’s a matter of life and death,” she said.
Read the full article here.
Alia shared the letter written by her sister on Twitter:
Shaheen you are brilliant! My sister has battled and lived with depression since she was 12. She speaks her heart out and without any hesitation addresses the giant elephant in the room – Mental health and the LACK of our understanding & acceptance!
— Alia Bhatt (@aliaa08) June 14, 2018
Earlier in November 2016, Shaheen had opened up about ‘living with depression’ via a lengthy Instagram post.
Meanwhile, it was reported earlier that Shaheen was writing a book, describing her battle with depression.