Maragadha Naanayam director ARK Saravanan is set to make his second directorial to be produced by KE Gnanavel Raja under the Studio Green banner. Talking to Silverscreen, KE Gnanavel Raja said “We have heard the story and have committed to making the movie.”
As of now, only the director has come on board for the project. However, the producer confirmed that the film will be an action thriller. ARK Saravanan made his directorial debut in 2017 with Maragadha Naanayam. The film, produced by G Dillibabu under the banner of Axess Film Factory, was a fantasy comedy and released to critical and commercial success.
The movie featured Aadhi and Nikki Galrani in the lead. Anandaraj, Ramdoss and Daniel Annie Pope played supporting roles. The film was later dubbed into Telugu as Marakathamani.
Following the success of Maragadha Naanayam, ARK Saravanan had reportedly announced two films – one with producer AM Rathnam and another one featuring Atharvaa Murali and Parvathi Nair, but both of them failed to take off. The official announcement regarding his film with Studio Green could be expected soon.
Meanwhile Studio Green has a string of movies in the pipeline. The latest among them is Suriya39 to be directed by Siva. “We plan to start shooting by June end and release the movie somewhere early next year. Siva has retained his team of technicians from Viswasam for this movie. The camera will be handled by Vetri while editing is taken care of by Ruben,” the producer had said while speaking to Silverscreen earlier.
The company will then produce Shakti Soundar Rajan’s Teddy featuring Sayyeshaa and Arya in the lead. It will be a film made keeping children and youngsters in mind. The movie will be shot in Chennai and certain other foreign locations.
Studio Green has yet another Arya film in the making. Magamuni, featuring Arya, Indhuja and Mahima Nambiar recently wrapped shooting. The film has entered the post-production works.
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