Late Friday night, rumours of Oviya, the most popular contestant of Bigg Boss Tamil, walking out of the reality show created quite a buzz online. There is, however, no confirmation from Vijay TV regarding her alleged exit from the show.
In the last couple of episodes of Big Boss Tamil, Oviya was not seen in her usual composed self. She was dejected after Aarav thwarted her love and started avoiding her while talking to the other women in the house.
In tonight’s episode, Oviya woke up Aarav from his sleep and said, “You cheated on me. Do you think I’m a fool.” And throughout the episode, her moods went from happy to sad to morose. The housemates even requested Bigg Boss to provide some pills to comfort her. There were rumours of her attempting suicide with the police reaching the scene. Some suggested that she walked out of the house to seek medical help. Some even said that it was all a hoax. These are all speculations as there is no official statement on it.
Following these rumour, outrage poured in from ‘Oviyans’ (Oviya’s fans). While many tweeted that they will stop watching the show, some said they will vote out Julie, as she is the reason for all the chaos in the house.
Here are some Twitter reactions: #NoOviyaNoBiggBoss
If the rumours are true and if #oviya leaves #BiggBossTamil itz defn not her loss ?itz gona be a big loss fr #vijaytv nd fr #biggboss . ??
— suza kumar (@suza888) August 4, 2017
If #Oviya leave BB ,then second time our votes are getting waste and partiality s confirmed. Feeling confirmed it’s scripted— karthik (@karthiksk2008) August 4, 2017
@OviyaaSweetz I knw ur reading this.. I knw ur upset..we love u #thailaivi #oviya #oviyaarmy you are simply the best #BiggBossTamil
— Ritwik Deepak (@DeepakRitwik) August 4, 2017
@vijaytelevision after Oviya has gone Not gonna watch this show anymore… Good bye #BigBossTamil #oviya @ikamalhaasan
— Anand (@anand_msnn) August 4, 2017
@vijaytelevision no #Oviya no #BigBossTamil I am not going to watch.
— suren (@usuren) August 4, 2017
Scripted or Real, What they did to #Oviya is inhumane. totally disappointing.
— james a (@a_ajames) August 4, 2017
#FLASHNEWS Oviya gets sucide attempt ??? #Oviyaarmy #BiggBossTamil
— Chennai Memes (@chennaimemesfun) August 4, 2017
Apart Frm Fav Actress Now #Oviya Will be The Most Fav Person For most of #BigbossTamil Viewers #NoOviyaNoBiggboss
— Oviya Trends (@OviyaFansTrend) August 4, 2017