Actor Harish Uthaman will team up with Vijay in his next Tamil project, provisionally titled Vijay 60. The film is being directed by Bharathan. This will be Harish’s first film with Vijay. Harish has acted in several supporting and negative roles in films like Paandiyanaadu, Thani Oruvan, and Srimanthudu. In Vijay 60, he will portray a character with different shades. “Although I come only in the second half, I get to portray both negative as well as positive shades, which makes my character not formulaic. It’s a very interesting role and my scenes with Vijay will be a treat to watch,” he told IANS.
Harish also plays a pivotal role in Nyanthara’s next film, a thriller.
Vijay 60 will be bankrolled by Vijaya Productions, and have Santhosh Narayanan’s music. Keerthy Suresh plays the female lead and Jagapathi Babu, Daniel Balaji and Harish Uthaman play other supporting roles.