Shooting of actor Santhanam’s second solo film, Inime Ippadithaan has been wrapped up, according to a report in The Times of India. Currently, the post production work of the film is going on and the teaser release date will be announced in the coming weeks.
Recently, the first look of the movie was launched on a Vijay TV Tamil New Year special show. Santhanam looked stylish and the director duo – Premanand and Murugan – said that the audience will see ‘Santhanam’s romantic side’ in this movie.
The duo also added that the songs have turned out exceptionally well. Reportedly, the songs composed by newcomer Santosh from AR Rahman’s school of music, are youthful and energetic and have been shot in Bangkok.
Actress Aashna Zaveri, who debuted with Vallavanukku Pullum Aayudham, is paired opposite Santhanam for the second time in Inime Ippadithaan.