Actor Karunakaran, who is basking in the success of his recently released film Indru Netru Naalai, took to Twitter to announce that he has been roped in to play a pivotal role in director Prabhu Solomon’s upcoming film, which has Dhanush in the lead role. Reports suggest that the actor will join the sets of this yet-to-be-titled film from July 1 onwards.
According to sources, the actor was ‘impressed’ by the script and instantly accepted the offer. The rest of the cast and crew will be announced soon.
Actress Keerthi Suresh, who is awaiting the release of Rajini Murugan, has been paired opposite Dhanush in this action-thriller. Hollywood’s stunt choreographer Roger Yuan will be handling the stunt sequences in the movie, which has cinematographer V Mahendran, music director Imman and editor Das in their technical team.
Actor Karunakaran is now waiting the release of Uppu Karuvadu and Vasuvum Saravananum Onna Padichavanga.