According to a Deccan Chronicle report, Lakshmi Menon, who was last seen in Komban, will play female lead in Jayam Ravi’s next. This untitled project will be directed by Shakti Soundar Rajan of Naaigal Jaakirathai fame.
Confirming the news, the director posted on Twitter:
Happy to share that #LakshmiMenon has joined our ‘UNTITLED’ project with @actor_jayamravi! #JR19 @RIAZtheboss
— shakti rajan (@ShaktiRajan) April 20, 2015
The film will commence after Jayam Ravi finishes his current commitments, said the report. Lakshmi Menon, reportedly, has also been roped in for a pivotal role in Ajith’s next film.