David Dunn will come back to the screen, as will Mr. Glass. Manoj Shyamalan announced recently that 17 years after Unbreakable, he will make a sequel to the film that will bring the characters of Unbreakable and Split together. Vulture reports, and says that this sequel too will be produced by Blumhouse and Universal, who collaborated with Shyamalan on Split.
Manoj Shyamalan also announced the news on Twitter:
It’s taken 17 years but I can finally answer the #1 question I get, “Are you making a f#&@ing sequel to Unbreakable or what?”
— M. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) April 26, 2017
My new film is the sequel to #Unbreakable AND #Split. It was always my dream to have both films collide in this third film.
— M. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) April 26, 2017
I’m reteaming with my partners @jason_blum and @Universalpics for this crazy comic book thriller.
— M. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) April 26, 2017
And the film is called GLASS…
— M. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) April 26, 2017
The film will star Bruce Willis, who played the original David Dunn, James McAvoy who played the multiple-character-personalities The Beast, Samuel L Jackson as Mr. Glass, and Anya Taylor Joy as Casey Cooke. Vulture speculates this film too will be set in Philadelphia, the scene for almost all of Shyamalan’s films.