Actor Nani, whose last film Bhale Bhale Magadivoy broke collection records at the box-office, has, reportedly, been approached to play a crucial role in director Mani Ratnam’s next film. While several reports suggest that Nani will be replacing Dulquer Salman, who played the lead the director’s previous film O Kadhal Kanmani, in the film, a close source has revealed that both the actors are part of the film.
Shooting of the film was expected to begin by the end of this year. However, we had reported that the film might get postponed by around six months as Mani Ratnam is planning to make the film in two languages – Tamil and Telugu. Also, reports say that the lead actors are currently busy with their other projects.
According to sources, this film is said to be a revenge story where Dulquer Salman and Karthi play brothers, and are pitted against each other. Actresses Keerthi Suresh and Nithya Menen play the female leads in the movie.