The Malayalam film industry has hit a roadblock ahead of Christmas, one of the biggest season for the industry. The Kerala Film Exhibitors Federation has shut down all A class theatres in the state indefinitely, to protest the government’s levy of an additional Rs 3 cess for every cinema ticket .
The cess is aimed at funding a welfare scheme, which was established in 2013 by the government, for the State’s cultural artists. However, it had to be stalled within two months after the exhibitor’s federation approached the court. In October 2015, the High Court passed an order in favour of the government in October 2015 and had asked to resume levying the cess from theatres. According to a Times Of India report, the Kerala Film Exhibitors Federation has now decided to shut all theatres and approach the court again. The Federation, as quoted by the TOI, says that the additional Rs 3 cess will result in a decrease in the footfall in theatres.
The strike is likely to affect the box-office collection of Dulquer Salman’s Charlie, which is preparing for a release this week.