At the audio launch of Srikanth’s Om Shanthi Om, RK Selvamani, director and secretary of Tamil Nadu Directors’ Association, said that producers ‘shouldn’t function like corporate companies’. Responding to Arumai Chandran (the producer of Om Shanthi Om), who revealed that he intends to establish his production house as a corporate company, RK Selvamani said, “Corporate producers don’t treat cinema like art. They don’t love cinema. When artistes look at a beautiful woman, they appreciate the beauty. But when butchers see, all they would think is, ‘verum 50 kilo kari idhu’.” That is the difference between producers who make good cinema and people who simply commercialise filmmaking.”
RK Selvamani further added that producers have to be careful to ensure that they don’t get cheated. “We will cancel the membership of those who indulge in malpractice.”