SKT Studios has filed a complaint with the Cyber Crime department over leaked posters of the Vijay-starrer Puli, which they are financing. Director Chimbudevan stated at a press meet yesterday that the leaked posters had been designed by Tuney John. The designer had been hired initially, but due to delays from his end, had been replaced with a different designer.
Chimbudevan said, “The movie has been made on a big budget and these leaked posters are a huge disappointment. When we asked Tuney, he said that one of his juniors might be responsible.” Tuney has apologised and assured the film’s producers that he would assist in finding the guilty party.
Puli’s teaser had also been leaked before the official teaser release. An intern at the Four Frames Mixing Studios was caught and penalised.
Puli stars Vijay, Shruti Haasan and Hansika in leading roles, and is tipped to be a fantasy adventure film. The movie also features Sudeep, Sridevi and Nandita in important roles. Music has been composed by Devi Sri Prasad and an audio launch will most likely be held on August 2.