The Tamil crime-thriller Ratsasan starring actors Vishnu Vishal and Amala Paul has gone international. The 2018 hit film has been bestowed with two awards, ‘Best Action Feature Film’ and ‘Best Music Score’ at LATCA (Los Angeles Theatrical Release Competition & Awards) 2019. The movie helmed by director Ramkumar of Mundasupatti fame was bankrolled by Axess Film Factory which is currently producing G.V. Prakash starrer Bachelor and Ashok Selvan starrer Oh My Kadavule.
Axess Film Factory took to twitter to announce the news.
We are thrilled to announce that #Ratsasan has won, ‘Best Musical Score’ and ‘Best Action Sequence’ Awards at #LATCA (Los Angeles Theatrical Release Competition & Awards) Thank you all for your love and support! ??@vishnuuvishal @Amala_ams @GhibranOfficial @dir_ramkumar
— Axess film factory (@AxessFilm) September 20, 2019
“Ratsasan getting honoured on global panorama is a big boon to all of us in the team. This is not something to celebrate by myself for everyone in the team has contributed to a greater extent. I am also exhilarated for Ghibran’s musical score having its acclaims now,” director Ramkumar said in a statement to the press. Music director Ghibran said, “This honour completely belongs to my director Ramkumar and producer Dilli Babu and everyone in the team for banking their hopes on me unconditionally. More than toasting for celebrations, it’s adding up additional responsibilities on my musical journey as I want to retain the stature that Ratsasan has given me now.”
“All praise goes to each and everyone in the cast and crew, who have been the major reasons for getting Ratsasan acknowledged to a greater degree. A Tamil movie getting appreciated and honoured at a prestigious film festival like LATCA motivates me personally to push the bars and deliver more promising films from our industry,” said producer G Dilli Babu, Axess Film Factory.
Recently, actor Dhanush was infuriated at how critically acclaimed Tamil films like Merku Thodarchi Malai, Pariyerum Perumal, Ratsasan and Vada Chennai were not getting recognition at the national level. He felt that the jury of the National Awards failed to notice the effort behind such films.
Award for RATSASAN?? R u sure sir ?:)
— VISHNU VISHAL – VV (@TheVishnuVishal) September 20, 2019
Meanwhile, Vishnu Vishal is busy with the shoot of FIR – Faizal Ibrahim Raiz directed by Manu Anand, co-starring Manjima Mohan. Amala Paul will next be seen in the female-centric Tamil film Adho Andha Paravai Pola and the Malayalam film Aadujeevitham co-starring Prithviraj Sukumaran. Her Malayalam film Cadaver, for which she also turned producer, is in its production stage.