Director Seenu Ramasamy, who is awaiting the release of Idam Porul Yeaval, will be teaming up with Vijay Sethupathi and Yuvan Shankar Raja once again for Dharmadurai. The project is being funded by producer RK Suresh of Studio 9. Currently, casting and pre-production work is underway. Dharmadurai is also the title of a 1991 drama film, starring Rajinikanth, Gouthami, Charan Raj and Nizhalgal Ravi.
Earlier, there had been a cold-war brewing between Vijay Sethupathi and producer RK Suresh over date allocation for Vasanthakumaran, which has now been shelved. According to sources, the two have sorted matters out, and Vijay Sethupathi has set aside dates for Dharmadurai.
The trio have previously worked on Idam Porul Yeaval, which hasn’t yet released due to several logistical and technical issues, despite a long delay. Like all Seenu Ramasamy’s films, Dharmadurai is expected to have a social message as its central theme. Seenu Ramasamy has previously directed several realistic films social themed films, including Neerparavai, Koodal Nagar, and Thenmerku Paruvakatru.