Director Suseenthiran will direct actor Jayam Ravi in his next film. The film will be produced by Lyca Productions, which is currently producing Shankar’s 2.0, as well as a film starring GV Prakash and directed by Sam Anton. Currently, the cast and crew are being finalised. Director Suseenthiran was unavailable for comment.
Suseenthiran’s last film was Paayum Puli, starring Vishal and Kajal Aggarwal. The director has had mixed fortunes with his last few films. Paayum Puli failed at the box-office, but was preceded by three successful films. Prior to this was another commercial failure, Raajapaatai.
Actor Jayam Ravi is currently working on Shakthi Soundar Rajan’s Miruthan, a film with Romeo Juliet director Lakshman, and a film with director Vijay. His film Bhoologam, which had faced a number of delays, is scheduled to release on December 24.