The biopic based on the life of prolific Malayam writer Kamala Surayya – aka Madhavikutty – has been in the news for a while now. Vidya Balan was to play the title role in this film, to be directed by Kamal. However, reports have been doing the rounds of the actress backing out of the project. The reason given is the Kahaani 2 actress’s difference of opinion with the director over Prime Minister Narendra Modi. While Vidya is said to be in favour of the PM, Kamal criticises him.
As per a report in the Times of India, the 38-year-old actress has rubbished these reports. An agent of the actress said, “The film’s dates have been pushed around a little owing to the film strike, but otherwise everything is going as planned. Vidya is very much part of the film, and she doesn’t have any political allegiances.”
The biopic is loosely based on the writer’s autobiography ‘Ende Katha’ and has been titled Aami. It is a bi-lingual project and will release in Malayalam and Hindi. Murali Gopi will be seen essaying the role of her husband while Prithviraj has been roped into play a fictional character who is said to lead the story.
Anoop Menon has also been roped in to play a pivotal character in the movie. The details of his role has been kept under the wraps.