The next instalment of Yash Raj Films’ Dhoom franchise has some surprises in store with its cast lineup. According to a DNA report, actor Ranveer Singh might play protagonist in the film, while Salman Khan plays the antagonist. This would mean that Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra, who were part of all three previous instalments of the highly-successful action franchise, will not be a part of the new film.
According to a source, quoted in the report, “Aditya Chopra wants Dhoom Reloaded to be a film for the youth. Talks are on for Salman Khan to play the negative role….” The film will be directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, who had directed Dhoom 3, starring Aamir Khan and Katrina Kaif, in 2013.
The first film in the franchise, Dhoom, was released in 2004. Abhishek Bachchan played a cop who was trying to hunt down a criminal gang in Mumbai. The success of he film prompted Yash Raj Films to do another film in the series in 2006. Dhoom 2 starred Bipasha Basu, Hritik Roshan, Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek Bachchan, and Uday Chopra.
Ranveer is currently shooting for the Yash Raj Films production, Befikre, in Paris. Meanwhile, Salman Khan is working on Kabir Khan’s next and has Sultan in the pipeline. Dhoom 4 is expected to go on floors in 2017, and release in 2018.