Yashika Aannand, the Tamil actor who met with an accident near Chennai on July 24, said that she will not be able to “walk or stand for the next five months,” while giving an update about her health in a social media post on Tuesday.
Aannand was driving back to Chennai from Puducherry along East Coast Road with three of her friends when she lost control of the car near Mahabalipuram. One of her friends, Valli Chetty Bhavani, died on the spot after the car veered and hit a central median.
Three cases have been booked against the actor for rash driving, overspeeding, and causing death due to negligence.
Speaking to Silverscreen India, Inspector Nadarajan of the Mahabalipuram Police Station said, “She is still on bed rest. We have got a certificate from the hospital that she will not be able to move for a few months. This case is not about finding an accused or one that needs further probing. The accident was caused due to overspeeding and seat belts not being worn. After we get a discharge summary and the doctor’s opinion, we will file a charge sheet and the legal proceedings will take place in court.”
Previously on Tuesday, Aannand condoled her friend’s death and expressed regret over the accident saying she will “forever feel guilty to be alive.”
Writing about her health in a later post, she revealed that she had sustained multiple fractures in her pelvis and right leg. “I’m resting post my surgeries. I won’t be able to walk or stand for the next 5 months. I’ve been bedridden all day and I have to pass motions on the same bed. I can’t turn left or right also. I’ve been stiff for these many days. My back is fully injured. Luckily nothing happened to my face, but this is definitely a rebirth for me. Mentally and physically, I’m injured. But this is nothing compared to what I’ve lost,” she added.
Aannand was recently shifted from the intensive care unit to a normal ward after multiple surgeries.
In another post, the actor condemned those spreading rumours that she had been drunk driving at the time of the accident.
City police earlier confirmed to Silverscreen India that Aannand was not under the influence of alcohol while driving.
“Even the doctor reports would say the same. These fake media channels [are] spreading fake news for [the] sake of viewers and subscribers,” she added.