The makers of Salman Khan’s upcoming Bharat have recreated 1950s Delhi on the film sets, for the shoot resumes this New Year. Director of the film, Ali Abbas Zafar announced earlier this month that they had wrapped up the current schedule as Salman Khan’s birthday was coming up on the 27th.
According to a report in Mid-Day, the 1950s set has been created in Mumbai’s Film City. This January Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif and the rest of the crew will resume a month-long shoot for the film’s climax. It took three months to recreate old Delhi on the Film City’s sets.
A source close to the movie says, “Three expensive sets are being set-up in the studio’s Josh Maidan 1 and 2, and an open field, respectively. Acropolis’s Rajnish Hedao, who was the production designer for several of Khan’s past releases, has recreated old Delhi. Apart from parts of the climax, an important dramatic sequence, featuring Salman and Katrina Kaif, will be shot.”
Nikhil Namit, a co-producer of the movie, also said, “The script demanded that we showcase old Delhi, hence, we created a huge set in Film City.” The makers had to construct a set in Ballowal after they didn’t get permission to shoot in Wagah border.
Zafar tweeted earlier that the crew had finished the Delhi and Punjab shoot schedules of the movie.
Finished with Delhi & Punjab schedules of @Bharat_TheFilm , last schedule will start in new year …bhai ke birthday wale month mein kaun kaam karta hai …? par hum edit mein lage hue hain ….
— ali abbas zafar (@aliabbaszafar) December 15, 2018
The film was originally supposed to be Priyanka Chopra’s comeback. But the actress had to opt out because shooting schedule clashed with her wedding. Chopra was then replaced by Katrina Kaif.
Bharat, a remake of the Korean film Ode To My Father, marks the third collaboration between Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif and Ali Abbas Zafar. Zafar directed Khan in Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai. Katrina Kaif was part of the Tiger Zinda Hai and Mere Brother Ki Dulhan.
Bharat is scheduled to release on Eid next year.
Image Courtesy: India Today