Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, who often gets mired in controversies, has had a foot-in-the-mouth moment again. After watching the trailer of I, he posted a row of controversial tweets, comparing director Shankar to Jayalalithaa and Rajinikanth.
Just saw “I” trailer 2 nd am sure Sankrantri is going to be shanker raatri…only dumb people will release their films in front of it
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
Ajith’s Yennai Arindhaal, Vishal’s Aambala, and Sivakarthikeyan’s Kakki Sattai release during Pongal, along with I.
I think ” I ” will be the film for Indian film makers to feel a kick on their ..that they are not pushing the boundaries like Shanker
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
If at all Indian films ever will be taken seriously by Hollywood I think it will be because of Shanker’s “I”
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
In pure eyeball grabbing and generating electrical enthusiasm I think Shanker is bigger than Rajnikant
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
Shanker’s film with Aamir will be india’s “Avataar”
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
My prediction Is that “I” collections on first day will be bigger than “Lingaa” nd that’s why I say Shanker is bigger than Rajnikant
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
I was a super huge fan of Rajnikant but now I shifted my loyalty to Shanker
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
The biggest of directors depend upon Sharuk’s Salman’s and Aamir’s nd Shanker destroys Rajnikant nd that’s Shanker power against Star Power
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
Hey Shanker I don’t know ur twitter I’d but I want to tell u that u are the only trail blazer we have in the entire Indian film industry
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
After seeing ” I ” trailer purely as a general common outsider I feel Shanker is bigger than Jayalalitha and Rajnikanth in Tamilnadu
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) December 26, 2014
Image courtesy: Wikipedia