Director Vijay has said that plans to remake the Malayalam film Charlie into Tamil with Madhavan in the lead have been shelved for the time being, so he can focus on Karu and Vanamagan. The New Indian Express quotes Vijay saying, “Right now, my focus is on my next project ‘Karu’. ‘Charlie’ remake will take time and it’s not happening soon.”
A source close to Vijay told Silverscreen, “We are yet to finalise the rest of the cast and crew for Karu apart from Sai Pallavi.” Sai Pallavi makes her Tamil debut with this film, which was launched recently.
Charlie starred Dulquer Salman, Parvathy, and Aparna Gopinath, and was co-written and directed by Martin Prakkat. Pramod Films had the rights for the Tamil remake, and Madhavan was cast to play the lead role. Vijay was recruited to direct the Tamil remake.
Besides working on Karu, Vijay is also looking forward to the release of Vanamagan, starring Jayam Ravi and Sayyeesha. The film is scheduled to release on May 19.
Meanwhile, Madhavan’s film with Vijay Sethupathi, Vikram Vedha, is slated to release in the summer of 2017.