Recently, actor Lal confirmed on social media that he will be a part of director Mani Ratnam‘s adaptation of Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan along with several others like Amitabh Bachchan, Karthi, Vikram, Jayam Ravi, Aishwarya Rai. Now, sources close to the production have confirmed that actress Trisha Krishnan has also been roped in for the magnum opus though an official announcement is yet to be made. This will be the second association of the actor and director after Ayitha Ezhuthu (2004).
Once a dream, now a reality! A Mani Ratnam movie#tamilcinema #maniratnam #ponniyinselvan
— Lal (@Lal_Director) December 2, 2019
The post read “All through my life, I’ve approached only one person seeking a role and that is Mani Ratnam sir. I had once asked his wife Suhasini for a role in any movie of his. He later offered me a role in Kadal, but I was unable to do it because of some prior commitments. Now, I have been given the opportunity to essay the role of an old warrior in Ponniyin Selvan. I am attending horse riding classes for the same. Actors Amitabh Bachchan, Karthi, Vikram, Jayam Ravi, AishwaryaRai, and Trisha are also part of the movie which will be shot as two parts”.
A source close to the production told Silverscreen that the director has taken a period of ten days each month from each actor and will shoot the portions accordingly. They will commence with shoot this month, added the source.
Recently, the director and his team were in Thailand for a recce.
In April, it was reported that Mani Ratnam approached Nayanthara for the role of Poonguzhali, wife of Madhurandhaka Uthama Chozhan. This news died down without confirmation, but it is now speculated that she has given her nod for the role but will be seen as Kundavai Nachiyar, sister of Raja Raja Chozhan, in the film although there is no official confirmation.
Pre-production work began earlier this year. Vikram may be seen as Aditya Karikalan, brother of Raja Raja Chozhan, which is to be played by Jayam Ravi. Malayalam actor Jayaram may also be in the film. Aishwarya Rai reportedly plays Nandhini, the character who plans the downfall of the Chola kingdom, Telugu actor Mohan Babu is Pazhuvetarayar, Amitabh Bachchan is Sundara Cholan, and Amala Paul plays Vaanathi. It was said that Keerthy Suresh was also approached for the role of Kunthavai Naachiyar. Vijay Sethupathi, Karthi and Simbu may play other important roles.
The film was announced over a decade ago but did not take off due to financial issues. Mani Ratnam was initially in talks with Lyca Productions for the project, but it is now likely to be backed by Reliance Entertainment, along with the director’s home banner Madras Talkies which is currently bankrolling the Vikram Prabhu–Aishwarya Rajesh starrer Vaanam Kottatum.
Soundarya Rajinikanth had also announced in January through an announcement video that she would produce a web adaptation of the novel for MX Player, to be directed by Sooriyaprathap S. But, there hasn’t been any news about the development of the project.
Meanwhile, Trisha who was last seen in Karthik Subbaraj‘s Petta alongside Rajinikanth will next feature in M Saravanan‘s Raangi, Sundar Balu‘s long-delayed Garjanai, Nirmal Kumar‘s long-delayed Sathuranga Vettai 2, Thirugnanam’s Paramapadham Vilayattu, and Sumanth Radhakrishnan‘s Sugar. It is noteworthy that Nirmal Kumar’s Telugu film Mis(s) Match starring Uday Shankar and Aishwarya Rajesh is due for release tomorrow.