The Kerala High Court, on Wednesday, directed the Central Bureau Of Investigation (CBI) to probe the death of actor Kalabhavan Mani following a bail plea submitted by the actor’s wife, Nimmy, and his brother, RLV Ramakrishnan. The court has asked the CBI to take up the case in a month’s time.
The CBI had earlier refused to take up the case citing workload and a shortage of staff. The bureau had also told the court, citing various medical and police reports, that the actor died of liver ailments.
The 45-year-old actor-singer died on March 6, 2016, a few hours after he was found in a serious condition at his farmhouse at Chalakudy, his hometown. His family members have been alleging foul play in his death, which was refuted by the investigation report submitted by the Kerala State Police.
However, a report submitted by the medical board constituted by the State government, on March 29, had stated that Mani died of methyl alcohol poisoning. The report had also pointed out that common pesticides, drugs, alkaloids, metallic and volatile poisons were not found in his viscera and blood samples.
“We have always been alleging a foul play in Mani’s death. But the police handled the case carelessly. They were too eager to close the file, concluding that it was a natural death,” said Ramakrishnan. “Now the court has acknowledged our doubts, taking into account the medical reports that said Mani was poisoned. I suspect the police had been trying to protect the culprits all along,” he said. Ramakrishnan, a singer and performance artist, added that the family will continue the legal battle until the truth comes to light.
Read: Kalabhavan Mani’s Death: Foul Play Ruled Out –
Read: Kerala HC Asks For Progress Report In Probe Into Kalabhavan Mani’s Death